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PATL Assessment 

Measures the readiness and ability of teacher leader candidates to provide effective instructional leadership

About the PATL Assessment

The PATL assessment measures the critical leadership roles that teachers play in contributing to student and school success. The assessment measures leadership roles in six areas, called tasks, which are scored according to task-specific rubrics. Each task addresses specific standards within the Teacher Leader Model Standards (PDF).

Teachers who are currently certified and practicing teachers seeking advanced credentials are eligible to take the PATL assessment.


Task Requirements and Rubrics

Task 1: Adult Learning and the Collaborative Culture

Task 2: Research for the Improvement of Practice

Task 3: Professional Learning

Task 4: Observation and Use of Assessment Data

Task 5: Collaboration with Families and the Community

Task 6: Collaborative Teams and Advocacy



Scores are reported online about 6 weeks after the task deadline to test takers and educator preparation programs. If they resubmit any tasks, this report will be reissued about 4 weeks after the resubmission deadline.

There are three types of scores for the PATL assessment:

  • step scores — each task of the assessment contains three steps
  • task scores — total of the three step scores
  • overall cumulative assessment score — total of the six task scores

Passing scores are established at the overall cumulative score level.


Test-taker score reports

The test-taker score report contains valuable information about the test taker's performance, including:

  • a summary page indicating the score for each task and a cumulative score for the assessment
  • a detail page for each task indicating scores for each step within a task and feedback for each step score

The step score feedback guides test takers to improve the quality of evidence in the step responses, addresses the level of the evidence provided in the step responses and helps test takers decide if they want to resubmit any tasks.

See a PATL Sample Test-taker Score Report (PDF).


Adopting the assessment

Contact us to learn more about the PATL and how to begin using the PATL as part of your state's education program requirements.