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Chapter 5 – Answering Questions


Video duration: 5:49

On-screen: [Computer-Delivered Testing Demonstration. Chapter 5, Answering Questions.]

Narrator: Chapter 5, Answering Questions.

On-screen: [(Questions with answer choices).]

Questions, answer choices, and related material occupy the main part of the screen. Tests may consist entirely of selected response questions, or they may include both selected response and constructed response questions.

On-screen: [Question Information.]

Before you begin answering questions, you will be presented with a screen explaining what you are required to do to enter your answers.

On-screen: [(Questions with answer choices).]

To answer a selected response question, click on a response. To de-select it, click on it again. To change your answer, click on a different choice.

On-screen: [Questions Requiring a Single Answer Choice.]

The single question presents a direct question or an incomplete statement. Sometimes two or more questions are based on the same stimulus material. In these cases, the stimulus will be on the left side of the screen and the questions will appear on the right.

On-screen: [Directions. Assignment.]

Some tests include constructed response questions. Constructed response questions are questions that require you to provide a written, or in some cases, a spoken response. For questions requiring a written response, the question being asked will appear on the top or left portion of the screen, and the area for you to type in a response appears on the lower half or right portion of the screen.

Technically enhanced questions require you to do answer questions in a different manner from clicking on an answer option. You may have to key in an answer, transfer a calculated result, highlight a word, sentence, or passage, drag answers to specified boxes, or use a dropdown menu. When the answer is a number, you might be asked to do one of several things: Enter a numeric answer, transfer a calculated result from a calculator into an entry box.

On-screen: [(Questions with answer choices).]

Some questions may have more than one place to enter a response. Some questions require you to click check boxes instead of an oval when more than one choice within a set of answers can be selected. To de-select a choice, click it again. Be sure to read the instructions carefully to see if you are required to choose a specific number of answers.

On-screen: [(Example charts).]

In questions with reading passages, you may be asked to choose your answer by clicking on a sentence or sentences within the reading passages. In some questions, you will choose your answer by clicking on a location or locations on a graphic, such as a map or chart, as opposed to choosing from a list. In some questions, you will choose your answer by clicking on your choice or choices within a table or grid.

On-screen: [(Example List).]

You may be asked to choose answers from a list and drag and drop them into the appropriate locations in a table, paragraph of text, or graphic. To drag an answer, move the mouse pointer over it, press the mouse button down, and while still holding it down, move the mouse to drag the answer to one of the empty boxes, then release the mouse to drop it into the box. If you change your mind, you can drag an answer to a different box or back to its starting position.

On-screen: [(Example Chart).]

This type of question will ask you to select the appropriate answer or answers by selecting the options from a dropdown menu. To see the options, click on a triangle next to a blank, then click on your choice. Questions with stimulus materials begin with information such as a reading passage, graphic, table, or a combination of these. This is followed by a question based on that material.

On-screen: [(Question with answer choices).]

Questions with an oral stimulus require you to answer a question after hearing a recording, such as a short music sample. Most recordings will play once, while some may play two or more times. You can choose or change your answer at any time while the music is playing or during the brief pause after each playing. You will not be able to replay the music for a question. So be sure to answer each one during the time provided and before you advance to the next question.

Some tests provide reference material that you can view to help you answer questions. You access the information by first clicking the help button.

On-screen: [Math Reference. Notations.]

Then you can click the tab for the reference sheet you wish to consult. The return button takes you back to the question you were viewing.

On-screen: [Using the On-Screen Calculator.]

An on-screen calculator is available as part of the testing software for tests that require the use of a graphing, scientific, or four function calculator. A calculator help screen, such as the one shown here, will be available to you during the test via the help button.

On-screen: [(Picture of the on-screen calculator).]

To operate the calculator, click the calculator buttons, or use the keyboard or key pad numbers and operations. To use the key pad, the Num Lock key must be on. The calculator displays eight digits and works like a typical basic calculator, except that it respects order of operations. In a computation involving more than one operation, multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

For example, if one plus two times four is entered, the result is nine, not 12 because the multiplication is performed before the addition. The calculator has a memory location for storing a number, which is initially zero. To add the displayed number to the stored number, click the M+ button. An M will appear next to the display to show that a new number has been stored. To recall the stored number, click the MR button. To clear the memory, click the MC button, which resets the memory to zero, removing the M. There is a transfer display button, which you can use on numeric entry questions with a single answer box. Clicking the transfer display button will transfer the calculator display to the answer box. You should check that the transferred number has the correct form to answer the question. For example, if a question requires you to round your answer or convert it to a percent, make sure that you adjust the transferred number according.

End of Video: Computer-Delivered Testing Demonstration. Chapter 5, Answering Questions