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The Praxis® Tests

Supporting aspiring teachers on their journey to the classroom

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Interpreting Scores

Test-taker score report

A test-taker score report contains the test taker's:

  • name
  • score(s)
  • passed/not passed score information for the recipients designated by the test taker at registration
  • background information
  • education information
  • detailed content category performance (for current scores)

The test-taker score report is also referred to as a Designated Institution Score Report when it is sent to the institutions and agencies selected by the test taker during registration. For more information, download Interpreting Your Praxis® Test-Taker Score Report (PDF).

What do the scores mean?

A passing score is the score for a single test that is equal to or higher than the qualifying score set by the state or licensing agency. Passing scores are not set by ETS, and they vary by state.

Find your state's passing scores.

Additional information

For more information about scores, such as how the Praxis tests are scored, a glossary of score-related terms, frequently asked questions about Praxis scores and more, download Understanding Your Praxis® Scores.

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