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The Praxis® Tests

Supporting aspiring teachers on their journey to the classroom

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About the Praxis Core Tests

These tests measure academic skills in Reading, Writing and Mathematics. They were designed to provide comprehensive assessments that measure the skills and content knowledge of candidates entering teacher preparation programs.

Praxis Core tests include objective response questions, such as single-selection selected-response questions, multiple-selection selected-response questions, and numeric-entry questions. The Praxis Core Writing test also includes two essay sections.

The Praxis Core tests are computer delivered and may be taken either as three separate tests on separate days or as one combined test. Individual scores are reported for reading, mathematics and writing on both the individual and the combined tests.

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New! Teacher Tools for Khan Academy® Official Praxis Core Test Prep

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At Home Testing

Candidates should make sure they meet the at home testing requirements before scheduling an at home test.


On Test Day

See what candidates should expect on test day, whether they take the test at home or at a test center.